CLOUDTemp WIFI Data Logging

CLOUDTemp by Labcold uses wi-fi data loggers together with the high security Ratifi-Cloud to enable fully automated temperature monitoring system with 24/7 coverage. The battery powered data loggers can be attached to any refrigerator or freezer and in addition to recording the temperature CLOUDTemp can also:Read full product description...
SKU: CloudTemp*** Category: / Brand: Labcold


  • Send automatic daily, weekly or monthly reports to as many people as required
  • Send alarms and alerts via email and SMS
  • Record all alarms and alerts which are incorporated in to the reports and can be viewed graphically on your computer
  • Send battery life indicator and alerts
  • Provide re-calibration date notification
  • Show Wi-Fi signal strength
  • Still record up to six channels if WiFi signal lost Send a late data alarm
  • Fully configurable to suit every monitoring requirement

Call for further details on your required configuration and set up options. A full installation and set-up service is also available on request.

Additional information


Package-Includes Ratifi Software (1 year) and 1 x Data Logger/Probe, CloudTemp WiFi Data Logger, Temperature Sensor 3M, Ratifi Cloud Hosting Software Annual Subscription


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